Mass Effect: Andromeda: What do we know about the real galaxy of Andromeda

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Andromeda galaxy has several names at once. Someone calls it that, someone prefers the “dry” term M31, and for someone it is the nebula of Andromeda. For many years she attracted the attention of astronomers and science fiction writers, and now, quite naturally, she appeared in the main game series about space: Mass Effect.

We decided to collect real information about this galaxy so that you better imagine a new “house” of all who are now playing a new part of the famous franchise.

Andromeda is the largest galaxy of the local group

Andromeda is best seen in the fall. You can consider it with the naked eye, but we still advise you to take at least binoculars with us.

The so -called "local group" includes more than fifty large and small galaxies, including the Milky Way, but Andromeda of them the largest. It has a trillion of stars, and in the Milky Way, for comparison, only three hundred billion. Andromeda also surpasses our galaxy with you – M31 “stretched” for two hundred and sixty thousand light years. The Milky Way can boast of only a hundred thousand. Even by the number of Andromed's black holes ahead: scientists believe that there are more than thirty of them there.

It is assumed that Andromeda formed about ten billion years ago due to the collision of several smaller galaxies. Gradually, as a result of intensive starship and “absorption”, hundreds of systems, M31 grew to giant sizes. Although recently its “activity” has greatly decreased: there are fewer and less new stars in Andromeda.

Andromeda's nebula – the closest to the Milky Way Big Galaxy

Yes, there are small systems closer, including satellite galaxies, and Andromeda herself has at least fourteen pieces. But from the giants Andromeda closest to us and with every second reduces this distance by more than one hundred kilometers.

After three billion years, it will be possible to consider the M31 in all details by simply looking at the sky, and after four and a half billion Milky Way and Andromeda will most likely collide, forming a single huge galaxy. Which, fortunately, is unlikely to damage the Earth. At least according to the forecasts of scientists.

The more secrets of Andromede reveal scientists, the more they learn about the Milky Way.

Andromeda, unlike other large galaxies of the Northern Hemisphere, and in our century you can see the naked eye than the astronomers of the past willingly used. Judging by the old records, the Persians found M31 – the first written certificates were dated to the tenth century.

Only now the astronomers took it seriously after almost seven hundred years. Around then, they began to understand that Andromeda is not just gas -perplexed nebula, it consists of a huge number of stars. Queen Vegas sister sites Well, the first photograph of the galaxy appeared even later, in 1887: the picture was made by the astronomer from Wales Isaac Roberts, who considered M31 a part of our galaxy with you.

However, despite the relative "proximity", Andromeda is still very far away. So much so that the image of the M31 in the starry sky, visible to us, was valid two and a half million years ago – this is how much time is required from this galaxy to achieve land.

Perhaps you will have a question: how then, the heroes of Andromeda realized where to fly, and even knew about some “golden worlds”? In this, they were helped by the technology of the Geta, which allowed us to look far ahead with the help of three combined mass relayers. So far that the data turned out to be almost "relevant". It is a pity that in reality no one has yet come up with such tools.

Andromeda – Spiral Galaxy

In addition to its sizes, the main thing is that the scientists are interested in Andromeda, its similarity to our galaxy. It is problematic to study the Milky Way from the Earth for some reason, but, looking at Andromeda from the side, you can learn a lot about our stellar system.

Like the Milky Way, Andromeda is a spiral galaxy. What does it mean? In the photographs of some galaxies, you probably saw in the center a bright luminous ellipsoid (accumulation of many red, orange and yellow dwarfs), it is also called "Balja". And around him, the numerous “sleeves”, consisting of blue giant stars, were accurately noticed in the spirals. This is what spiral galaxies look like.

Although we live in the Galaxy of the Milky Way, it is still unable to study it from the ground.

So Andromeda should have a powerful rotational moment. According to the assumptions of astronomers, in the nucleus of Andromeda there is a supermassive black star, and around it at great speed, more than a thousand kilometers per hour, old and young stars spin.

True, according to the observations, Andromeda, after a collision with the M32 system, also had some signs of the ring -shaped galaxy, which also interested many scientists.

Life there is quite possible

In its structure, the Andromeda galaxy is very similar to the Milky Way, moreover, it is much larger, so the probability of finding a reasonable life there is quite high. There are many stars like our Sun in the same Andromeda’s core, and among the planets surrounding them, there probably may be similar to the ground.

In Mass Effect: Andromeda as many as seven “Golden Worlds” in only one star cluster – China. The mysterious race “Forerunner”, the warlike aliens of Ketta, and the violet humanoids of the hangar managed to visit there.

It is difficult to say what and whom humanity will find if he can break out of the Milky Way. But at the thought of this, the spirit is breathtaking!

The game so happened that creatures from Andromeda are similar to people, and this is not very realistic. Another thing is that the explanation of this is given in the plot, and the indigenous inhabitants of Andromeda have interesting features.

So, for example, due to the effects of “filth” (clots of radioactive dust and fragments that can destroy entire ships), the inhabitants of the galaxy have protective layers of the skin and even bone growths to protect themselves from radiation. And even though the “filth” is only the fantasy of the scriptwriters, who has almost nothing to do with reality, even interesting, and suddenly the real picture looks like a similar way?

So far, humanity knows a little about Andromeda, so traveling to it in the next hundreds of years is something from the category of science fiction. But we are still gradually approaching the unraveling of her secrets. In 2009, for example, the first planet of Andromeda was opened. To scientists from the Andromeda initiative, of course, far away, but already something. And who knows what awaits us ahead? One of the options for the development of events can be seen right now at Mass Effect: Andromeda!

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